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Shannon (aka The Wonder Ninja) holds a PH. D in philosophy and is currently an associate professor at Mt. Mary College in Milwaukee, WI.  She is also an author, lecturer, and Fulbright Scholar.  That's the Wonder part.  She is also a martial arts instructor holding a 1st Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo.  She hold a 2010 National Title in Women's Single Stick Kali Arnis Escrima and is a member of the 2010 US Nationals Escrima Team.  In July 2010 she will compete for a World Title in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.  That's the Ninja part.  Cool

I'll post all the basic information about me that I'm comfortable sharing, including things like my background and location.

About this blog

Here I'll describe why I started this blog and describe the topics I'm primarily interested in covering in it.

Gondolas in Venice; Size=240 pixels wide

This could be a picture of me, my town, or a recent trip I took.